In August 2015, Kelaine was invited to participate in California ReLeaf’s Network Leadership Workshop with a presentation on “Writing a Great Urban Forestry Grant Application.”
Video: Writing a Great Grant Application

In August 2015, Kelaine was invited to participate in California ReLeaf’s Network Leadership Workshop with a presentation on “Writing a Great Urban Forestry Grant Application.”
The Palo Alto Municipal Golf Course, which dated back to the 1950s, was in need of renovation. Goals of the renovation project included incorporating 7.4 acres of the golf course into a flood reduction project and remodeling the course with a design
The California High Speed Rail Authority will offset the emissions associated with construction of the rail line, and large-scale plantings of trees have been identified as the method of choice.Urban Ecos was hired to carry out the following:Determine the feasibility of
Published in: California Trees, newsletter of California ReLeafDate: Spring 2008Summary: Looking for a super-strategy to reduce greenhouse gases? Look no farther than trees! This article explains how trees work their greenhouse gas magic and how we can plant them strategically to do
A publication by the California Urban Forests CouncilPublished: July 2014Summary: In 2011, an analysis of Marin’s urban forest was undertaken by scientists at UC Davis, the US Forest Service, and San Francisco State University. The goal was to understand the structure,
In October 2014, Urban Ecos partnered with the CA Urban Forests Council and CA ReLeaf to present a webinar on how to estimate the GHG benefits of trees, with a focus on applying for grants from the California Dept of
As part of a grant application, the environmental benefits and ecosystem services of UC San Diego’s campus forest were assessed.Urban Ecos provided the following services:Visit to campus to estimate the research and estimate the forest populationQuantification of campus forest ecosystem